Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bird List from Sankhu

Who can ID that yellow bird?

Plumbeous Water Redstart!

Fun Day!  I will include another "Guess this Bird" right here because he is so lovely! Check out the list for have 56 to choose from in the list below.

Here is the bird checklist from Vimal the leader of the walk.  In case any of you are this kind of interested!

Sankhu birds
Saturday' 19 Jan 2013
Vimal Thapa for BCN
S.noCommon nameScientific name
1Fulvous-breasted WoodpeckerDendrocopus macei
2Blue-throated WoodpeckerMegalaima asiatica
3White-throated KingfisherHalcyon symrnensis
4Rose-ringed ParakeetPsittacula krameri
5House SwiftApus affinis
6Rock PigeonColumba livia
7Oriental Turtle DoveStreptopelia orientalis
8Spotted DoveStreptopelia chinensis
9Green SandpiperTringa ochropus
10Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucos
11River LapwingVanellus dyvaucelii
12Black KiteMilvus migrans
13Common BuzzardButeo buteo
14Littel EgretEgretta garzetta
15Cattle EgretBubulcus ibis
16I. Pond HeronArdeola grayii
17Long-tailed ShrikeLanius schach tricolor
18Grey TreepieDendrocitta formosae
19House CrowCorvus splendens
20Scarlet MinivetPericrocotus flammeus
21Black DrongoDicrurus macrocercus
22Spangled DrongoDicrurus hottentotsu
23Blue Whistling ThrushMyophonus caeruleus
24Red-throated FlycatcherFicedula parva
25Rufous-gorgetted FlycatcherFicedula strophiata
26Slaty Blue FlycatcherFicedula tricolor
27Small NiltavaNiltava magrigorie
28Oriental Magpie RobinCopsychus saularis
29Hogdson's RedstartPhoenicurus hodgsonii
30White-capped Water RedstartChaimarrornis leucocephalus 
31Plumbious Water RedstartRhyacornis fuliginosus
32Slaty-backed ForktailEnicurus schistaceus
33Common StonechatSaxicola torquata
34Common MynaAcridotheres tristis
35Jungle MynaAcridotheres fuscus
36Barn SwallowHirundo rustica
37Red-rumped SwallowHirundo daurica
38Red-vented BulbulPycnonotus cafer
39Black BulbulHypsipetus leucocephalus
40Common-tailor BirdOrthotomus sutorious
41Common ChiffchaffPhylloscopus colybita
42Buff-barred WarblerPhyloscopus pulcher
43Hume's WarblerPhylloscopus humei
44Grey-hooded WarblerSeicercus xanthoschistos
45Rusty-cheeked Scimitar BabblerPomatorhinus erythtogenys
46Crimson SunbirdAethopyga sipraja
47Eurasian Tree SparroePasser montanus
48House SparrowPasser domesticus
49White WagtailMotacilla alba
50White-browed WagtailMotacilla maderapatensis
51Grey WagtailMotacilla cinereas
52Olive-backed PipitAnthus hogdsoni
55Red AvadavatAmandawa amandawa
56Crested BuntingMelophus lathami
3Krishab Shrestha
4Rojal Baidya x 3 person
5Git Shrestha
6Puspa KC x 3 person
7Bijay Karki
8Karmath Subedi
9Dibas Panta
11Rammani Sapkota
12Jaya Bhandari
13Rajendra Gurung
14Vimal Thapa
15Kailas School x 13 studends

1 comment:

  1. Eliza guessed... "plumby... plumby... WHAT's the next part!!! Give me a HINT!"
